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I provide support and resources to middle school English and writing teachers.

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Weekly Teaching Inspo

Just a note From Just Add Students Hi Reader, Need a bit of inspiration for this week? Did you know that Thursday (Sept 19) is "Talk Like a Pirate Day"? In addition to celebrating -- have students research the history of the day. (It's as weird and random as the holiday!!) Here are some less pirate-y ideas: Give student the tools for close reading. Find it here Here's a step-by-step guide to help. Find it here Introduce literary analysis with this delightful poem. Find them here Help for...

Just a note From Just Add Students Hi Reader, Need a bit of inspiration for this week? Did you know that Tuesday, September 24 is National Punctuation Day? If you're looking for an excuse to review punctuation -- this is your day! Notes, practice and teaching slides. $1.00 This Week!! Dip into research skills with this free evidence checker. Find it here Find fresh vocab teaching strategies here. Read it here Use "status of the class" to keep students reading. Watch how here Teach students...

Just a note From Just Add Students Hi Reader, Need a bit of inspiration for this week? Here are some ideas: Need a quick grammar review -- this one is adorbs! Find it here Use a writing sample for more effective instruction Find it here Jump into personal narratives with these done-for-you mini lessons. Find them here Organizational tips for your classroom. Find them here Help students explore themselves, their relationships, and ways to grow. Find it here Keep students writing with these ten...

Just a note From Just Add Students Hi Reader, Need a bit of inspiration for this week? Here are some ideas: Practice reading informational texts while learning about this holiday. Find it here Use a writing sample for more effective instruction Find it here Get to know your students with this fun BTS project. Find it here Organizational tips for your classroom. Find them here Need engagement? Try a scavenger hunt! Find one here Take a look and let me know what you think. And, just in case no...

feedback slides

Just a note From Just Add Students Hi Reader, Do you use exit slips or exit tickets? They're a great way to get instant feedback from students -- but, they can be a bit cumbersome. What's easier? Today's freebie -- feedback slides. Project them on your white board. Students can respond quickly either digitally or on an index card. Check out today's freebie: >>> Feedback Slides Take a look at them, and let me know what you think. And here's a surprise bonus! Tuesday and Wednesday (Aug 27 &...

Just a note From Just Add Students Hi Reader, You have a great idea for a project for your students! Yay! You can't wait to share it with them and get started. But, halfway through your explanation, the wheels fall off. Students are confused -- and maybe you are to. Was it a bad idea? No! It was a great idea -- it just needed some planning to make sure it was going to be successful. You'll love today's freebie because it's going to help you plan those great ideas: >>> Project Planner Examples...

Just a note From Just Add Students Hi Reader, Has anyone asked for your YAG? 😲 Or your YLP? If you find yourself wondering about YAGs and YLPs, you're going to love today's freebie. A Year-at-a-Glance (YAG) or yearlong plan (YLP) is basically a 10,000 view of your year. But -- that bird's eye view will only get you so far in your planning. You'll next need to break it down into units. That's why you'll love today's freebie: >>> Yearlong and Unit Planning Calendars Take a look at them, and let...

Just a note From Just Add Students Lesson Plan of the week Study Skills for Success Start the year with the study skills your students need to succeed! On sale here Hi Reader, You've heard this quote: "Failing to plan is planning to fail." As teachers, we know this is true. We plan -- lesson plans, unit plans, quarter plans, yearlong plans.... You might say that planning is in our DNA. Sometimes, though, it can be a bit exhausting. This will help: Teachers Pay Teachers is having a back to...

Just a note From Just Add Students Hi Reader, There will come a day, usually when you least expect it, when you just need to pull out something exciting and/or different. Something to get your student out of the hum-drum ordinary day. Today's freebie is going to do that: >>> 7 Quick Writing Prompts You'll love having these in your stash of ready-to-use lessons. Take a look at them, and let me know what you think. Need more? Keep your students writing every day with these quirky daily journal...

Just a note From Just Add Students Hi Reader, Most of us (all of us??) would agree that getting our students to read more is a good thing. If you're planning to set up an independent reading program, you'll love this week's summer freebie. Check out the freebie here: >>> Independent Reading Guide Take a look. There are mini lessons you can use to help get your students started. Let me know what you think. Need more help building your independent reading program? These reading badges are a...